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Evolution Of The Timberwolves Logo A Reflection Of Team Identity

Evolution of the Timberwolves Logo: A Reflection of Team Identity

The Original Symbol

The first Timberwolves logo, introduced in 1989, was designed by artist Mark Thompson. It featured a snarling wolf with a basketball in its mouth, surrounded by a pine tree. This design captured the team's fierce and determined nature, as well as Minnesota's rich natural heritage.

The Peter Thornburgh Redesign

In 2008, the team's logo was redesigned by Peter Thornburgh, who also designed the NBA logo. Thornburgh's design retained the wolf motif but simplified it, making it more modern and recognizable. The new logo also incorporated the team's signature colors of navy blue, green, and silver.

The Current Logo

On April 11, 2017, the Minnesota Timberwolves unveiled a new team logo as part of a rebranding effort. The current logo is a sleek and modern rendition of the wolf's head, with sharp lines and a minimalist color palette. The new logo captures the essence of the team's history and vibe while looking forward to a new era for the Timberwolves.
